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TOP 10

Here is a list of my 10 most popular poems as voted by my readers.


Letting Go

This poem is exactly what the title indicates. A reminder to all to let go of all that no longer serves. We are here to learn and move on but if we continue to hang on to situations, people and things that are no longer in our best interest it will hold us back. Letting go is the key to movement.



The Essence of Time

This is one of my favourites. I wrote this one day when I was contemplating life. I had spent some time at work in a nursing home and had seen many dementia patients that day. It opened my eyes to how much we all take life for granted, yet none of us is here forever.



A Message From Heaven

This poem was written for a wonderful friend who had lost her husband. I really felt this was his message to her on the day I wrote this poem.



A Flowers Thought

This poem has a special place in my heart. It is the first poem that I wrote and actually kept. It was the start of my journey as an adult poet.



Awakened Unity


Many are waking up to the corruption and deceit in the world at this time. I was inspired to write this poem to help spread that awareness.



Earth Changes

With a shift in vibration as we move into the Golden age, many are feeling the changes energetically so I wanted to share the importance of clearing your energy and keeping positive and clear of negative energy.



Twin Souls

This poem was inspired by the amount of Twin Souls on the planet at this time, coming together to raise vibration and lift the consciousness of all of the inhabitants of the earth.



The Child Within

A  friend asked me to write this poem for them at a time in their life when they were looking for guidance. The Child within was born from a discussion we had about our inner child.



In the Darkest Hour 

This poem was written at a hard time in my life. It inspired me to move forward and out of negativity. This was my motivation to keep going.



Life in Clouds

I love to lay on my back and watch the clouds float by, it was this pastime that inspired this poem.

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