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The Essence of Time

At first a tiny baby,
Perfect in every way.
A long full life ahead of her,
And nothing to cloud her day.

In a blink she is a toddler,
Smiling with glee and joy.
Nothing is impossible,
As she plays with her little toy.

Now starting school the first day,
She nervously awaits.
A smile from someone friendly,
With whom she can relate.

Those school days go so quickly,
But at the time they seem so slow.
Bonds that are unbreakable,
Her friendships start to grow.

Dreams are so achievable,
She can do almost anything.
Whatever her heart desires,
She knows that life will bring.

It’s time to go to Uni,
So exciting, moving on.
A young woman now so happy,
Those school days now are gone.

Big dreams she had are melting,
Into the distance of time past.
For work becomes routine,
And daily grind kicks in real fast.

That love was all a whirlwind,
He swept her off her feet.
An engagement ring and wedding dress,
They were destined to meet.

A mother she is now,
It happened in a flash.
One moment getting married,
Now her dreams and life just clashed.

It wasn’t as she planned it
With more mouths to feed,
With that comes responsibility,
And a growing list of needs.

The smell of great home cooking,
Wafting always through the home.
Lots of happy family memories,
Now the children have all grown.

They are growing old together,
As they thought they always would.
But the time went much more quickly,
Than they ever thought it should.

The Illness came from nowhere,
When in the garden one day.
One minute they were laughing,
Next, a funeral bill to pay.

Where did those years all end up
There was so much we had to do.
But we got so caught in yesterday,
Dreams got forgotten too.

You take your life for granted,
When you are young with time to waste.
But you’re happy to just plod along,
And live your life with haste.

You see time is of the essence,
From one day to the next.
Each moment is so special,
Please don’t make it so complex.

Live your life with love,
And compassion for all.
Do the things you want to do,
However big or small.

Treat everyone with kindness
For you don’t know who they are
Or what their life has dealt them,
We are each a shining star.

Make the most of every moment,
And always have some fun.
Do not waste a single second,
You don’t know when your time is done.

I am looking into heaven 
As I walk towards the veil
I am older and much wiser 
I bid you goodbye for now.

© Beverley Chance 2010

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