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Earth Changes

I am really feeling un-inspired

and not sure where to go.

I have lost all motivation,

I am feeling a little low.


I am standing at a crossroads

very uncertain which way to turn.

What should I be doing,

is this a lesson I need to learn.


Where has all of my passion gone,

My zest and love for life.

I think it's in the energy,

Ethers holding all world strife.


I am feeling all the changes,

The world is at a low.

The fear of all enfolds us,

as we struggle with the flow.


There are many of you like this,

not living in the now.

Look inside for all the answers,

for they will show themselves somehow.


Your guides are waiting for you

to open up and let them in.

They will show you how to clear,

to allow your new life to begin.


The one where you are happy,

fulfilled in every way.

Living a life of complete wonder,

Looking forward to each new day.


Stop listening to the horror

that echoes all around.

The pictures in the paper that

show disaster so profound.


You have to clear your energy

keep it pure and full of light.

Then allow your soul to expand

and live a life full of delight.



© Beverley Chance 2012

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