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From a very young age, I loved books.

I love to read, I love to write and I love to make a difference in someone's life even if it is to make them smile for just a minute.


Much of my childhood was spent with my head in a book or in my own little fantasy world. I had friends but my interests were always in subjects that many didn't want to talk about and so my love of books was born. I was happy to sit at home reading rather than socialising with friends.


All things supernatural were at the top of my reading list. Unsolved mysteries, ghost stories, UFO"s, tarot, fortune telling, crystals, natural healing, angels, fairies, mermaids and other mythical creatures. Those were the topics that consumed my days. Nothing much has changed.


I remember as a child writing a poem about the whale hunting and how much it affected me so very deeply, the thought of animals suffering. It led me to be an advocate for those without a voice. I won an award for that poem and have never forgotten the response from the teacher when reading it for the first time.


Fast forward to 2003 and I am gifted with my third beautiful daughter. They say that life changing moments become awakenings, that is exactly what happened to me when my daughter was only two weeks old. One night I was sitting on the lounge, holding her in my arms thinking that I should put her to bed, but that little niggling voice within told me not to. I kept her with me and just started to watch a movie.


It was only a short while after when I felt her go limp, she wasn't just a heavy sleeping limp, she wasn't breathing. With help from a beautiful friend and neighbour who I got my older daughters to call on, and some terrifying time spent on the phone to the emergency department, the paramedics arrived and we were transported to the hospital.


Many tests failed to turn up any cause and a few days later we were sent home with a breathing monitor to ensure that it wouldn't happen again.

I was beside myself with worry, one very paranoid mother. In the weeks that followed I spent many hours trying to get her to sleep then, once she was sleeping,  my fear of losing her would kick in and I would wake her up. Neither of us got much sleep and while she was sleeping at night I sat up listening to the beeping of the monitor. I couldn't be left alone with her as I would have panic attacks where I found it hard to breathe, consumed with thoughts of not having her in my life. My anxiety levels were through the roof and combined with the lack of sleep, I was a mess.


Late one night while I was sitting up I was urged to get a pen and paper and I started writing. I had no idea what was coming but once I was finished it was a poem called A Flowers Thought. 


Writing seemed to calm my anxiety and allow me to relax and trust again.

I call this time of my life my awakening because since that night, when a poem is going to be born I have no choice but to pick up a pen and write. Words form in my head and my mind won't quiet until I write them down. I have notebooks in every bag and scattered all around the house for this purpose. At any one time, I can have up to as many as 50 poems on the go. This is my gift from the divine and what I have to share with the world.


Over the years I have studied many spiritual modalities including energy healing, liquid crystals & crystal healing, numerology, feng shui, shamanic healing among many others. These are still my loves and my passions so here on my blog, I not only want to share my poems with you, I will share books that I am reading, books I love and poems or other poets that I am fond of also, as well as other things about my life that I choose to reveal. Please feel free to share my poems and help me spread the love of words.

I am blessed and so are you. 



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