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A Shout out to Mothers

I want to make a shout out to mothers everywhere. Women are amazing, all of you are so wonderful. You put everyone before yourself and I wanted to acknowledge that with this poem. So many of us forget who we are while we are bringing up our children and being wives and mothers. We neglect our own dreams and visions because we love our families so very deeply and we open our hearts so much that we want only the best for them. Sometimes that can be to our own detriment. Once our children are older we then think, what now! what do we actually want from life? where to now for us? That thought can be the scariest thing in the world because now we have to be who we are. We have to be raw and open and show all of ourselves. That conjures up so much fear within. Well I am here to tell you that you came here to do great things. You can be anything so now is your time. Be the beautiful, inspiring, amazing person you came here to be. Much love to each and every beautiful woman. You deserve the world. Please enjoy my poem, " A Mothers World."

A Mothers World

My thoughts were always visions Of a life I was to live. The dreams of how it would be Of all the love I had to give.

My confidence was high these dreams would all come true. I knew how life would work out, In my heart that’s what I knew.

As a girl I often thought I have the world right at my feet. Then a young woman I became And a man I was to meet.

My priorities then changed As he became my life. He was then my one desire And I became his wife.

The children then were born My visions put aside As my heart just grew with love. Each day I was your guide.

I strived to be the best The very best that I could be. But slowly in the process. I began to lose me.

I neglected all my dreams They were discarded in my mind. As the needs of those around me Became my focus over time.

I have absolutely no regrets My life as it should be. My family is my world They made me the person that you see.

So many of us women Place ourselves behind closed doors. Putting others always first Forgetting that we deserve more.

We slowly lose our confidence As our children grow through life. We are known as someone’s mother Or as that fella’s wife.

So remember as you grow Treat yourself as you deserve You are a beautiful being A spark of light in the universe.

© Beverley Chance 2017


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