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One Happy Little Vegemite.

I have received my much awaited review for my poetry book "On the Wings of a Butterfly" and I am absolutely stoked. I have been a member of Realistic Poetry International for a while now and have submitted a few poems into competitions, it wasn't until last year I decided to submit my book for a review. I did have to pay for the review but I wasn't expecting them to write quite what they did. You see, I write because it brings me joy and I love to uplift and inspire others, however, I didn't really believe deep down that it did have that effect on people. We all have our insecurities I suppose and being a Virgo I am quite the perfectionist. I tend to hold back a lot of myself for fear of not being good enough.

I think this is something that most people have a fear of, we don't just throw ourselves out into the world and really we should.

When I received the review they had used all of the words that I use to describe my purpose in life and what I aspire to bring to the world and bam a lightbulb went on. I was described through my poetry as freely spreading the universal gifts of dreams, smiles and happiness to all. That certainly made me smile.

I really should put more effort into sharing and writing for I can bring those things that I desire to out into the world.

Here is a small excerpt of the review.

"As an elevated thinker, she understands the potency in words, carefully choosing positive, penetrating, impactful power words to support the optimistic tone and theme of this book. Some of these words to no surprise happen to be titles of poems like, "Blessed," "Love," Karma," and "Dreams."" Continue reading.............

Please don't forget to let me know what you think.

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