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Letting Go

There comes a time in life,

when you need to just let go.

To sit with every moment,

and let everything just flow.


Not pushing for an outcome,

just allowing for what will be.

The day you just let go,

the angels will sing with glee.


There are moments when you listen,

then others filled with haste.

It's time to gently rest sweet one,

all fear will be erased.


Trust your inner guidance

and everything you feel.

Don't listen to the mind talk

as none of it is real.


Your mind can tell you stories,

and scare you half to death.

Stop you moving forward

as though you've taken your last breath.


Don't be afraid of living,

just let go and see the goal.

Your dreams are waiting for you,

to trust and take control.


The little beat within

is the one you need to trust.

It gives you tiny butterflies

until you feel like you might bust.


There needs to be a balance

in everything that you do.

Let go and trust the outcome.

Then all things will come to you.



© Beverley Chance 2017

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