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The Child Within

We have inside each one of us,
A child that will never leave.
Our Job in life is to nurture them,
And ensure they always believe.
For life is one long journey,
From cradle to the grave,
A journey that ensures success
As long as we are brave.

This child will help us on our way,
If we learn to go inside.
To move out of our comfort zone,
And never ever hide.
The time to move is always now,
The decision is never wrong,
Our inner child will tell us how,
As long as we stay strong.

A step to take, you make the choice,
To find your inner child.
Bring them out an play with them
And let them just go wild.
Let go of inhibitions
Don’t worry what will be
Embrace each day, it’s all you have.
The I you see is WE!

© Beverley Chance 2010

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