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A Message From Heaven

I know you hear the whispers,
as I come closer to your ear.
And give you silent messages,
to let you know that I am near.

That subtle smell or fragrance,
that reminds you of times past.
That song that plays out of the blue,
Bringing memories that last.

I touched you on the shoulder,
Just to let you feel me there.
But you just stared blankly at the wall,
as I stroked your soft blonde hair.

I know you felt abandoned,
when it was my time to leave.
Please understand my journey,
I didn't mean to make you grieve.

I will always be around you,
To give you strength to pull you through.
Whenever times get real tough,
and you don't know what to do.

You are a special person,
With a journey of your own.
Please dig deep and find forgiveness,
For you will never be alone.

Just know that when you think of me,
Say my name, I will be there.
I am instantly right by your side,
You know I'll always care.

Look for rainbows and for butterflies,
each and every day.
As you move on your soul's journey,
They are there to light your way.

© Beverley Chance 2010

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