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Ground Yourself and Find Your Inspiration

Grounding will help you to get your creative juices flowing and inspiration will flood every essence of your being.

I learnt about grounding many years ago while I was studying healing. I had no idea how important it was going to be in my life until I moved to Far North Qld in 2006. We were living about a ten minute walk to the beach and although I had always loved the beach, I had no idea how much of and important part it would play in my healing journey.

In 2009 when I found myself a sole parent of 4 children I started really doing some soul searching and the beach is one of the places I spent much time.

The rain-forest was the other place that helped in my healing also.

I found that when I was out in nature barefoot, I could actually release so much more tension that when in shoes.

I was calmer, more focused and found it so much easier to release built up energies.

Walking on the beach or in the rain-forest helped me immensely. There was no better place for me to be than here when I was in need of release and healing.

I started finding that the more time I spent in nature barefoot the more inspiration came to me when I thought about writing. Words came much more fluently and I was writing so much more easily. If you are creative in any way or would love to allow more inspiration to flow then I suggest grounding to help you connect with the earth, the divine and yourself at a soul level.

The video below will explain in detail what happens when you ground with the earth. Please enjoy.


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