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Signs of Guidance

We are each, always searching for signs of guidance. How many times have you asked for a sign or message from the divine to help guide your way in difficult times?

Our guides and angels are always standing by to help us but we must ask them for their help. They are divine beings and they will never interfere with your free will. Therefore you need to always remember to ask for a sign that you are on the right path.

Remember they are with you to help make your journey smoother so make sure you get into the habit of asking for signs of guidance and messages as you walk your path. The help is there but we must learn to live in gratitude and faith. Faith that we are on the right path and gratitude for all of the blessings that light the way. Please enjoy my next poem. Signs of Guidance.

Signs of Guidance

When you are feeling lost

and don't know what to do.

Look to Mother Nature,

she is there to guide you.

She will send you signs & hints

of what path you are to take.

Whisper winds of subtlety,

the changes you must make.

Her guidance is a blessing.

A gift from the divine.

Inspiration that comes to you,

within the perfect time.

A walk along the beach

or a visit to a park.

All things that will connect you,

like watching stars after dark.

A raindrop on a leaf,

glistening against the sun.

every little message

indicating a new journey has begun.

Never doubt the signs

that flow to you every day.

The guidance is always there,

lighting the path to guide your way.

© Beverley Chance 2017


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