You Don't Have to be Perfect
I wonder how many of you reading this actually believe my words, "You don't have to be perfect."
Being a Virgo star sign, we are known to be perfectionists and that can be our downfall because we are reluctant to put ourselves forward for fear of not being good enough.
Wow! I can't actually believe that I have admitted that, it's like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Virgo's are not only critical of others but they are their own harshest critic. It can be their biggest downfall in life and something that each one of us needs to overcome.
For so long I didn't share my poetry for fear that it wasn't good enough, I used to read poetry from other poets and admire the long eloquent words they used in their writing. My poems were so simple, I thought, who would want to read them?
I have since been told by many that it is the simplicity of what I write that resonates so much. It is simple words that have the deepest impact on people at a soul level. Poetry can awaken so many to their purpose. Just reading something that resonates can have an amazing impact on the direction of someone's life.
Your gift may not be poetry, it could be any number of things. Whatever it is that you are here to share is good enough. Please don't hide away, come out and share your gift with the world. You don't have to be perfect, you are enough just the way you are and what you have to share is perfect for you.
Not only is this post a reminder for myself but it is a message to all of you beautiful souls in the world that have a gift but are too scared to share for fear of not being perfect. You are perfect in your own imperfect way.
much love